Schimbarile climatice, ,,cea mai probabila" cauza pentru inundatiile din Oman si Emiratele Arabe Uni...

Schimbarile climatice reprezinta explicatia ,,cea mai probabila" pentru ploile puternice care s-au abatut saptamana trecuta asupra Emiratelor Arabe Unite si a Omanului, arata cercetatorii din reteaua World Weather Attribution (WWA) intr-un studiu publicat, joi, informeaza AFP, citata de Agerpres.

Studiul indica faptul ca precipitatiile din anii marcati de fenomenul El Nino au crescut cu 10%-40% in aceste tari petroliere din zona Golfului Persic. Specialistii considera ca ,,schimbarile climatice, provocate de arderile de combustibili fosili" reprezinta ,,explicatia cea mai probabila" pentru acest fenomen, precizand ca nu exista ,,alte explicatii cunoscute pentru intensificarea ploilor in regiunea" mentionata.

Furtuna care a afectat mai multe tari din aceasta regiune desertica a ucis 22 de persoane in Oman si alte patru in Emiratele Arabe Unite, unde ploile record au cauzat inundatii masive.

Acest lucru arata ca ,,pana si regiunile aride pot fi grav afectate de precipitatii, o amenintare care creste odata cu schimbarile climatice cauzate de combustibilii fosili", a subliniat Sonia Seneviratne, profesor la Universitatea Tehnica Federala (ETH) din Zurich si membra a WWA.

In aceasta cercetare, oamenii de stiinta s-au bazat pe date istorice si modele climatice pentru a studia evolutia precipitatiilor in regiunea mentionata, inclusiv in timpul episoadelor de El Nino, un fenomen climatic cu manifestare ciclica.

Precipitatiile extreme au devenit cu 10% mai abundente

Conform studiului, precipitatiile extreme au fost mai putin intense in anii care au precedat incalzirea cu 1,2 grade Celsius a climei de pe Terra in raport cu nivelurile din epoca preindustriala.

,,Precipitatiile extreme au devenit cu cel putin 10% mai abundente in Emiratele Arabe Unite si in Oman", a declarat Mariam Zachariah, cercetator la Imperial College din Londra. Acest fapt este ,,in concordanta cu principiile fizice de baza, potrivit carora o atmosfera mai calda poate sa retina mai multa umiditate", a adaugat ea.

Ploi torentiale s-au inregistrat in Oman saptamana trecuta, inainte sa se extinda in Emiratele Arabe Unite. Aici precipitatiile cazute intr-o singura zi, pe 16 aprilie, au fost echivalente cu cantitatile inregistrate in aproape doi ani.

EXCLUSIVE: Story from Jam Press (Dubai Airport Chaos)
Pictured: Video grab - The situation in the airport in Dubai.
Chaos in Dubai airport as tourists try to escape flooded city - with 'food running out' and 'people sleeping on airport floor'
Chaos is unfolding at Dubai airport following the extreme flooding yesterday (16 April) as the city suffered the heaviest rainfall in 75 years - all in one day.
Among those trying to fly out is 36-year-old Pallavi and her family-of-three.
The 36-year-old mum claims the situation at the airport is untenable with people "sleeping on the floor" and shops "running out of food".
Meanwhile the family are allegedly receiving "zero communication".
Photos taken at the scene show people tightly queuing together, sitting on the floor and standing around due to the lack of seating space.
"People here are sleeping on the floor and the airport is running out of food options," the marketing professional told NeedToKnow.
"All we are getting is coffee, as everything's out of supply.
"My family and I, as well as others, have been waiting at the boarding gates with zero communication and zero concern.
"When we arrived at the airport, it was flooded with people and no one from the management team knew what was going on."
Pallavi and her family were due to fly from Mumbai to New York, via Dubai, on Tuesday (16 April), which was booked in November last year costing L860 each.
According to reports, around six inches of rain fell in the city, which is more than what Dubai gets across the year.
Highways have seen cars stuck and submerged in water, damage to homes and business, as well as flights delayed for the foreseeable.
Another family that has also suffered as a result of the floods, with them claiming that they were offered an alternative flight - for the 23 April.
Robbie Blood, took a trip to Dubai on 3 April with his wife Jo, 48, and Amy, 11, in an attempt to have a nice, relaxing holiday that they spent.
17 Apr 2024
Pictured: Story from Jam Press (Dubai Airport Chaos)
Pictured: Situation on the roads in Dubai as captured by Robbie.
Chaos in Dubai airport as tourists try to escape flooded city - with 'food running out' and 'people sleeping on airport floor'
Chaos is unfolding at Dubai airport following the extreme flooding yesterday (16 April) as the city suffered the heaviest rainfall in 75 years - all in one day.
Among those trying to fly out is 36-year-old Pallavi and her family-of-three.
The 36-year-old mum claims the situation at the airport is untenable with people "sleeping on the floor" and shops "running out of food".
Meanwhile the family are allegedly receiving "zero communication".
Photos taken at the scene show people tightly queuing together, sitting on the floor and standing around due to the lack of seating space.
"People here are sleeping on the floor and the airport is running out of food options," the marketing professional told NeedToKnow.
"All we are getting is coffee, as everyth.,Image: 865666807, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO Australia, Germany, Norway, South Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Unknown Country, Model Release: no

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - APRIL 16: A view of the street after heavy rainfall as adverse weather conditions affect daily life in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on April 15, 2024. Stringer / Anadolu/ABACAPRESS.COM,Image: 865325274, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - APRIL 16: Vehicles hardly move on flooded streets due to heavy rain in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on April 16, 2024. The torrential rain in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), had a detrimental effect on daily life. Flooding ensued as a result of the downpour, leading to several vehicles being submerged on the streets and avenues. Stringer / Anadolu/ABACAPRESS.COM,Image: 865332328, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Vehicles drive through heavy rain on the Sheikh Zayed Road highway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Heavy rains lashed the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday, flooding out portions of major highways and leaving vehicles abandoned on roadways across Dubai. Meanwhile, the death toll in separate heavy flooding in neighboring Oman rose to 18 with others still missing as the sultanate prepared for the storm. (AP Photo/Jon Gambrell)

An SUV drives through floodwater covering a road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, April 17, 2024. Heavy thunderstorms lashed the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday, dumping over a year and a half's worth of rain on the desert city-state of Dubai in the span of hours as it flooded out portions of major highways and its international airport.,Image: 865541158, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required., Model Release: no
